High 5: Expertise

It’s so exciting to bring Bright Ideas to life, and I’m pumped to share Episode 1 with my friend, Mahriah Tucker.

Mahriah is a member of the Realtors of the Palm Beaches and Greater Fort Lauderdale and is a top producing agent Compass Florida LLC in Boca Raton, FL. Mahriah’s extensive real estate career actually began in corporate banking where she worked as Vice President of Residential and Commercial Real Estate for over 10 years. Mahriah’s experience managing, servicing, and liquidating bank-owned real estate portfolios paved the way for real estate success when she became a real estate agent in 2016.

Mahriah Tucker Headshot
Mahriah Tucker, Compass Florida

Take some time to watch Episode 1 of Bright Ideas as Mahriah and I discuss not only her career path, but also some of the challenges she had to overcome in her adolescence. “Peoples’ switches flip at different times,” Mahriah said. “My switch flipped at a young age. I wanted to start living a life that was different than the one I was brought up in. However long it takes to get to where you want to get to, just do it.”

boxer mix dog
Mahriah’s other human dog, Marti
pit bull mix dog
Mahriah’s human dog, Mellie

We talk a lot about schedules and expectations – what dictates your future and who you allow to impart their agenda or vision for your life. “Our thoughts came from us,” she says. “We didn’t grow up with these screens and constant pressures.” #geriatricmillennial

As many people make their own career transitions, Mahriah talks about the most important characteristics to being a real estate agent/professional in today’s world. From personality traits to dedication, Mahriah talks extensively about her passion for helping others – human or otherwise.

Mahriah’s biggest piece of advice for those who are struggling is, “Find your joy and go for it. Take a step back and do what you have to do in order to take the next baby step forward. And just keep repeating that process until you get where you want to be.”

We talk about having kids and legacy, and what’s important in life.

Mahriah is a native Floridian and graduate of Florida Atlantic University. Her local knowledge of the south Florida market has been instrumental to her great success. Mahriah is an avid animal lover who spends much of her spare time with her rescue dogs Marti and Mellie. Mahriah’s family, pets, and love of helping others make their real estate dreams become a reality is her passion in life. 

I hope you enjoy Episode 1 of Bright Ideas! Subscribe now and join us every week for a new installment.

Please share your thoughts and comments as you watch!

I have two favorite quotes. One refers to achievement and ability; and the other refers to expertise. In fact, it defines expertise.


Henry Ford and Model T

The first one, is something I thought (for about 30 years) that my dad had coined… Turns out it was Henry Ford. “If you think you can, or you think you can’t; you’re right.” Brilliant. I’ve lived my life by this quote. Basically, believe it yourself and figure it out. Either way, the minute you doubt yourself and your abilities, it’s over. I always took this to carry a subtext of ‘yet.’

For example, if I ever thought I can’t play quarterback, I’d change my thinking to I can’t play quarterback yet. I’d then work at it, learn the plays, increase my arm strength and accuracy and ultimately, play quarterback. But if I were to have stopped with I can’t play quarterback, I never would have played quarterback – or accomplished any of those other skills. This has applied to every aspect of my life since the day my dad uttered those words.

When it came time to relaunch this website, I told myself I can’t build my website…yet. I took a course on Udemy and proceeded to build the website you’re reading right now. During the process, I discovered a new tool, refined some of my design skills, learned the lingo and practiced the art of perseverance. Had I stopped with I can’t build my website, I would have lost out on those opportunities.

K.I.S.S.: Keep it Simple, Stupid

Albert Einstein with tongue out

How many times have you asked for an explanation of something, only to feel worse off after hearing the answer? My other favorite quote was a kick in the pants from Albert Einstein. Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Powerful, right? I thought so.

As far as I’m concerned, this is the definition of expertise. Anyone can regurgitate definitions and talk in circles until the listening party concedes with a blank stare and a head nod. But not everyone can explain complex topics simply and without a condescending tone and have the recipient nod in true understanding.

I’ve homed my own understanding and refined my listening skills in order to fully comprehend industry trends, required theory and methods and business acumen. It all comes down to the K.I.S.S. principle: Keep it Simple, Stupid. I’ve taught and mentored up-and-comers as well as seasoned professionals by parlaying simple stories, examples and comparison to create and convey powerful lessons.

bright STRATEGY + SOLUTIONS has a rule that we don’t sign up for tasks we don’t have the expertise to accomplish with the highest quality. However, we can be a resource for anything outside our depth by finding you the appropriate expert.

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