Bright Ideas | Episode 4 | Autumn Sullivan

Speaking with Autumn was such a pleasure! Her bright, sunny demeanor is freeing – and she says it like it is. In Episode 4 of #BrightIdeas, Autumn and I talk a lot about back-up plans and “if” versus “when” in terms of failure. We discuss how the way we frame aspirational planning to young people can completely alter their potential for success, and how the paradigm needs to shift.

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Going to Zero

2020 was a great year for bright STRATEGY + SOLUTIONS: it was the year Bright was reborn. I started my consulting firm back in 2018 and decided to take it full-time early in 2019. It was great! I was invigorated. I was refreshed. I was on cloud nine! Day in and day out, I was on phone calls with my LinkedIn and other contacts – some of which were potential clients. I was on webinars and going to networking events; and I was happy. It was the happiest I had been in a long time. And it lasted for about 3 months.

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