Bright Ideas | Episode 4 | Autumn Sullivan

Speaking with Autumn was such a pleasure! Her bright, sunny demeanor is freeing – and she says it like it is. In Episode 4 of #BrightIdeas, Autumn and I talk a lot about back-up plans and “if” versus “when” in terms of failure. We discuss how the way we frame aspirational planning to young people can completely alter their potential for success, and how the paradigm needs to shift.

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Bright Ideas | Episode 3 | Matthew Porter

I’ve never met anyone like Matthew Porter, and I’m so excited for you to meet him in Episode 3 of Bright Ideas! His energy and attitude are light and refreshing; and now I feel like I’m describing a new beer. 😊 In this episode of #BrightIdeas, Matthew and I delve deep into management and leadership – specifically misconceptions about the relationship between management and leadership, and the inherent traits of each.

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Bright Ideas | Episode 2 | Jinita Thakkar

It’s not everyday you get the opportunity to meet and chat with someone like Jinita Thakkar. As you’ll hear in Episode 2, Jinita is one of the most thoughtful and eloquent speakers I’ve ever met. She has the amazing ability to process information and rephrase or reposition the thread in a clear and concise manner.

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Bright Ideas | Episode 1 | Mahriah Tucker

Take some time to watch Episode 1 of Bright Ideas as Mahriah and I discuss not only her career path, but also some of the challenges she had to overcome in her adolescence.

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Welcome to Bright Ideas

In this series of videos, I’m speaking with real professionals from different industries, from different parts of the world, at different stages in their careers.

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