Episode 8 viewers and listeners, meet Carye Farrell. Mother. Magician. Entrepreneur. Professional. Jack of all trades.
Carye is the General Manager and head Mama Bird (we’ll get to that in a moment) at Quest Workspaces in West Palm Beach, FL, and someone who you would be lucky to know personally – or professionally! I met Carye about six months ago when I made the leap into a shared workspace within the Darth Vader Building in on the West Palm Beach Waterfront.
Episode 8 – What’s it all about?
In my conversation with Carye we talk about everything from Entrepreneurship to Journalism to Imposter Syndrome and Success. Her story is amazing. Believe it or not, she’s human!
In Episode 8, we talk about her journey from being a Journalism graduate from UCF and editing the school paper to launching and selling a couple of businesses to writing greeting cards and aspirations of writing a book.
We touch on how becoming a mother changed her outlook on failure, and how one phrase changed everything. In her role now, Carye is able to lead by example, drawing off her experiences and mistakes. However, she also draws motivation and wisdom from the people who have come into her life and the baby birds she’s kicked out. #QuestNest
Carye has a great outlook and a ton of experience as a leader, so her advice to ALL generations shouldn’t be taken lightly: PUT THE PHONE DOWN! Have a thought for yourself, without anyone’s opinion mixed in. Seriously – try doing it for 2 hours while you’re home at night – before you go to bed!
As a matter of fact, we’re going to set up a #BrightIdeasChallenge! Details to come!!
This is a great episode! Listen, watch, enjoy!
About Carye – In her own words
I like to tell others that I am a magician of sorts… I manage a business center filled with small business owners or satellite offices for large companies. At Quest Workspaces, business owners have the peace of mind to work while I manage the front desk, all their administrative service needs, so all they have to do is pay their rent and grow their business. As a past business owner, I know what it will take to make them happy and provide them a sense of security.
I live in Wellington, Florida but am originally from Orlando. I graduated from the University of Central Florida with the all-encompassing BA degree of Liberal Arts. It should however be considered a BS Degree. 😉
After graduation, I started working as a Manager in Training for Enterprise Rent-A-Car where I learned the art of customer service and how to manage others. As I made my way up the ranks to Manager, I was noticed by a Nationwide Client, USA Today and their Regional Marketing Manager for North/Central Florida. She recruited me to become her local Account Manager for the marketing department. This is where I learned the art of Marketing. I left USA Today after 5 years, and then started working in Advertising and Public Relations for a National Entertainment Company. Then after having a difficult pregnancy, I decided I needed to take the time and slow it down to take care of my daughter.
When I decided to go back to work, I opened up my own business with my husband and managed to successfully sell it after a few years to Trader Publishing Company. I stayed on with them under contract for about 4 years as the General Sales Manager for Florida. Then after another high- risk pregnancy took its toll on me, I decided to stay home for a year again. Once I headed back to the workforce, I decided that I wanted to do something different and Property Management is where I ended up and have been in this role for almost 15 years. My youngest daughter is about to turn 17 years old.
So do I have any Special Skills? What is that? I guess I would surmise that I offer a ton of experience in all realms and just as I graduated with a Liberal Arts degree that offered me a ton of different experiences and learning opportunities, so has my work experience and background. Management, Customer Service, Marketing, Public Relations, Advertising, Business Ownership, and now Property Management. Wow, does that make me a “jack of all trades”? At the very least I know that I am a well versed, all around asset to any company.
Personally, I have graduated from college, married to my ex-husband for 22 years, raised 4 wonderful children (2 stepchildren) and have managed to own my own business during this time and have now settled in to my later years, with one child a junior in high school and another one that was diagnosed with Schizophrenia during COVID 2020. My two oldest, one is a firefighter and the other is just graduating from the Police Academy. Life of Service. This is what we taught our kids. “Life of Service is Life with Purpose”. Quote by Carye Farrell.
I am now divorced, and my children’s father just recently passed away this year so hobbies and pastimes for me center around self-care and personal growth. I never understood what self-care meant until 2020. Always doing things for others, “Life of Service is Life with Purpose” may not have been the best idea, when I am now 53 years old and feel that I am just now finding time for me. So, with that in mind, I am now teaching my children to make every intention possible to practice self-care. You cannot do anything until you put the “oxygen mask on yourself first” and then proceed to put it onto others. So, at the ripe old age of 53, I have morphed into another person. Wanting to now understand the art of Psychology and how the brain works, and how to best serve others, while also continuing to serve myself.
I still maintain that Life of Service is Life with Purpose, just making sure that I also consider myself worthy and I practice the art of LIFE WORK BALANCE. Because another quote I love is this… “Nothing changes, if nothing changes,” by Courtney C. Stevens.
Connect with Carye if you are in the West Palm Beach area and need an office, or creative ways to grow your business. Carye loves LinkedIn, so definitely connect with her!
I hope you enjoy Episode 8, and as always, please feel free to join the conversation in the comments! If you’d like to be involved with #BrightIdeas or know someone who would make for a great guest, please get in touch!
Missed the first three episodes of Bright Ideas?
Meet Mahriah Tucker, Jinita Thakkar, Matthew Porter, Autumn Sullivan, Dianne Wintermute, Josy Martinez and Jonny Torres today!